Jade's diary




 2024年9月25日、youtubeにアップロードされた真壁寂室さんの「女學生日誌」を視聴した時、「エス」や「Sister 」の文字が気になった。「姉妹のような関係性には見えないな」と無知蒙昧な思考をしたことを今では恥ずかしく思う。やはり無知というのは恐ろしい。これについては日々痛感している。切実な願いとして世の中の知識が全て欲しい。







 1910年10月発行『ムラサキ』より 一部抜粋 












 「女學生日誌」MV完成記念対談より 真壁寂室さん




 「女學生日誌」MV完成記念対談より たそやマロさん

 実際左右の心理効果として、 左から右へのムーブは無意識的な自然さや安定感につながり、右から左へのムーブは逆の効果がある。これについては、私は文字も同じことが言えるような気がする。右上がりの線で構成された文字はなんとなく綺麗に見え、右下がりの線が入っているとなんとなく汚く見える。これは右下がりの線が、見方によっては右から左へ動いたように見えるからではないだろうか。























画面構成 左右の心理について



・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'


 ‘Es’ was practised in girls' schools from the Taisho to the early Showa period and is an acronym for SIster. Basically, they became ‘es’ with a partner of a different age, with the younger calling the older ‘sis-sama’ and passing on correspondence and gifts. The relationship is not limited to friends, but is closer to a romantic relationship, as it includes feelings of longing and admiration for the other person, such as sometimes referring to the other person in the cloak of a lover.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

When a senior female student sees an innocent and lovely young girl from a new lower class and thinks she is lovely, she will go to a group of 4~5 or 5~6 of her most godly friends, called the ‘orenchu’, and ask them for advice: ‘I, who is a new student, think she is lovely and would like to have a "ome" at her? The term ‘ome’ is a cloak for a mistress calling out to her mistress.

If none of the consultants had any prior love for the pretty girl, they would say: ‘Then let's take care of her. The schoolgirl who was the adviser was overjoyed and immediately handed them a ribbon of purple or burning red, which they were related to, and they called the girl in secret and handed her the ribbon, whispering to her about what had happened so far. If the girl silently accepts the ribbon and ties it in her glossy green hair, they will be able to talk to each other and call each other in a very intimate way, using the cloak of ‘o-me-san, o-me-san’.

   Extracts from Murasaki, October 1910, English translation.

 At the time, pre-marital relationships were strictly regulated and were tolerated as ‘bridal training’ for young ladies from good families. However, it was a relationship that would dissolve after graduation from school. 

 There are many literary works that incorporate the sweet but fleeting ‘es’ of relationships that are promised to end. Nobuko Yoshitani's Hana Monogatari (Flower Story), a pioneering novel for girls, triggered a boom, and a series of works dealing with ‘es’ appeared. Kawabata Yasunari, the first Japanese to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, also published Maiden's Port, a story about es, in a girl's magazine. After the war, ‘es’ declined as girls' magazines were allowed to deal with male-female romance. 

 It should also be remembered that this is different from the ‘petite mère’ tradition of the Paris Opera, in which dancers act as parents to ballet school students, giving them ballet advice and inviting them to performances.



Recorded 18 October 2024.

Jakumuro Makabe and Tasoya Maro's conversation on the completion of the ‘Jogakusei Nisshi’ music video

On 19 October 2024, on Tasoya Maro's Instagram story, Jakumuro Makabe and Tasoya Maro talked about the ‘Tayodawa language’ and screen composition.


 The term ‘teyo-dawa-go’ refers to a way of speaking in which words such as ‘teyo’ and ‘da’ are added to the end of words, as in ‘regards’ and ‘sorry’. (Sometimes referred to as ‘women's language’.) Today, the ‘teyo-dawa word’ evokes the image of a refined young lady, but it was not treated as correct Japanese and was considered vulgar and the language of a woman of low status. However, female students who rebelled against the restrictions on language and dress at the time deliberately started using it, and it became fashionable. The background to the trend was related to the assimilation policy in the colonies, and the use of different language by men and women was regarded as the beauty of the Japanese language. In order to regain Japan's status after the war, women's language was further praised, and what was supposed to be a fashion for female students came to be reported as the language of young ladies.

When you think about it now, teyodawa-garuta has a rather elegant image. But at the time, it gave the impression of being a so-called ‘gyaru’ (gyaru), a word that gave the impression of being badly brought up. That's why I wanted to create the impression of a bad girl, like ‘scolding me for being so impudent’ or something like that, or something about Kuriko's character...

 Jakumuro Makabe, from an interview commemorating the completion of the music video for ‘Jogakusei Nisshi’.and English Translation.


 In terms of the screen structure of ‘Jogakusei Nisshi’, Tasoya Maro said that she had the impression that the ‘left-to-right movement’ and the ‘right-to-left movement’ were the complete opposite.

The left-to-right movement is a positive image. It's a positive image, it's a way forward, it's a way forward. Well... Well... There's Mario and RPGs, you know... They basically go from right to left. That's the image of ‘going forward’, isn't it? In contrast, the movement from right to left is about going back, going back to the past.

 Tasoya Maro, from an interview commemorating the completion of the ‘Jogakusei Nisshi’ music video.and English Translation.

 In fact, the psychological effect of left to right is that a left to right move leads to a sense of unconscious spontaneity and stability, while a right to left move has the opposite effect. I think the same can be said of letters in this regard. Letters composed of up-right lines look somewhat beautiful, while those with down-right lines look somewhat dirty. This is probably because the rightward lines appear to move from right to left, depending on how you look at it.

  Please see Tasoya Maro's X (formerly Twitter) for more information about the dialogue commemorating the completion of the ‘Jogakusei Nisshi’ music video. Mentioned in the reference material section.




It was a time when it was considered normal for women to marry and have children. The ‘es’ of the Tamahibiki relationship were promised to end: the love with her sister, with whom she spent three years, and some young ladies, like Rituko, must have believed that it would last forever. Kuriko eventually said, ‘Be of good cheer, Sensei...’ she recalls, but there were also those who could not accept it and chose to have a heart-to-heart with her.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

 Today, the culture of es is completely unheard of. The ideas of men and women, minorities, and marriage have changed, and the world has become a place where more people can be happy. However, I thought I should keep in mind that some cultures disappear as the world becomes easier to live in.



About ‘Esu’.





Jogakusei Nisshi’ music video. Mentioned in the reference material section



About the ‘Teyodawa language’





Screen composition About left-right psychology
